System Operator

System Operator

In terms of the Transmission License and the South African Grid Code, the System Operator is responsible for the security of the South African national electricity grid by monitoring, controlling and operating it in a safe, economical and reliable manner. By doing so, the System Operator ensures Quality of Supply to all Eskom customers.

Group 769

The Main Responsibilities and Activities of the System Operator are:

  • To control, operate and be responsible for the short-term reliability of the interconnected power system (IPS) as defined in the South African Grid code (SAGC) and also to administer the application of Grid Code by IPS users as per requirements of NERSA
  • Scheduling and Dispatching generation and other demand-side resources to meet supply and demand in real-time.
  • Ensure reliability, safety and security of the interconnected power system (IPS) in the delivery of power from generators to distributors by:
  • Coordination and sanctioning of all outages of the Transmission and Generation equipment
  • Setting equipment protection settings and operational limits
  • Monitoring and operating the interconnected power system
  • Acquiring ancillary services to ensure reliable continuity of supply
  • NERSA Metering data collection
  • Development of the SA Grid Code, available from the NERSA Website, and monitoring compliance thereto
  • Providing operational information to key stakeholders
  • Ensuring there is adequate reserves for credible contingencies
  • Provision of real time information on status of the power system.

Generation output is changed every 4 seconds to match customer demand. When there is insufficient generation available, customer demand is reduced to ensure system stability is maintained.

System Operator Facilitates Power Trading in the SADC Region Through The South African Power Pool (SAPP)

SADC Region


  • NTCSA operates concessions on two hydro power stations


  • NTCSA supplies non-firm power


  • Cohara Bassa: NTCSA purchases 1150MW
    Motraco: Eskom owns one-third of Motraco transmission company and sells 950MW
    EDM: NTCSA wheels 300MW to EDM from Cahora Bassa


  • NTCSA supplies non-firm power


  • NTCSA supplies firm and non-firm power
    Power supplied directly to two mining companies in Namibia


  • NTCSA supplies firm and non-firm power


  • NTCSA supplies firm power


  • NTCSA exports firm power and imports non-firm power
Frame 114