
Strategy, Risk and Governance: Risk & Resilience Management Risk

Integrated Risk Management function provides guidance on and monitors the implementation and maintenance of the company’s risk management framework and the adoption of best practices in risk management to improve NTCSA’s level of maturity towards a “risk-intelligent” organisation. It fosters an organisational ability to:

  • Think holistically about potential risks and opportunities.
  • Continually learn about and resolve risks and uncertainties (ensure that risks are properly identified, evaluated/measured, managed and monitored).
  • Have the confidence to take the right risks for reward (Managing threats & capitalising on opportunities).
  • Use forward-thinking risk concepts and tools to make better decisions and create lasting value to ensure sustainability

Resilience: The objective of the NTCSA resilience programmer is to enable the company to implement and embed a structured approach to prepare for, adapt to, respond to and recover from real-time threats and incidents affecting critical business processes and operations. This is done in line with Eskom’s policy on resilience and applicable standard and procedures. It also ensures compliance to Disaster Management Act No: 57 of 2002 as amended.

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Corporate stewardship:

Safety, Health, Environment. Quality and Security (SHEQS)



NTCSA is committed to an inter-dependent Safety Culture that strives to maintain a stance of Zero Fatalities, Zero Injuries, Zero Legal Contraventions, Zero Non-Conformances and Zero Harm approach and principle, through leadership commitment and visibility, thus taking overall responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work-related injury and ill-health, as well as the provision of safe and healthy workplaces and activities.

NTCSA further aligns to Eskom’s Occupational Health & Safety Management Strategy, Objectives and Key Performance Indicators, Standards, Policies as well as Procedures to meet its intent to have an injury-free and ill-free working enviroment. NTCSA pro-actively maintains risk controls that aims at ensuring continual improvement to legal obligations and other requirement.



NTCSA creates and maintains a high-performance culture that strives for Zero Harm, Zero Contraventions and Zero Incident; through visible felt leadership behaviours that effectively prevent harm to people and the environment.

NTCSA subscribes to Eskom’s Environmental Management Strategies, Policies, and Procedures that provide the framework for ensuring we have the right plant and equipment installed and that these are operated and maintained correctly. NTCSA follows the set of standards and procedures that aims to ensure the ongoing improvement in our controls, practices and compliance to applicable environmental laws, regulations and environmental authorisations granted to us.



NTCSA’s adoption of the ISO 9001 has ensured a strong foundation for world-class processes to deliver on quality services which strives to meet the highest standard demanded by the organisation and expected by our customers.

Our Business Management System supports continual improvement, business growth and efficiency. One of the strategies is for all Business Units to constantly improve the way in which they deliver on the company’s mandate. We have systems, procedures and processes in the company to support our aim of customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.

NTCSA’s goal is to achieve operational excellence in all aspects of our operations.



The NTCSA security mandate is ensuring the effectiveness of NTCSA’s Security performance by managing security risks affecting NTCSA personnel, assets, information, critical systems, operations, sustainability and reputation. Executing an effective and efficient security capability to protect NTCSA assets.

The underlying principle is that company shall align to Eskom’s security strategy and business objectives in order to promote and efficient, effective and compliant security capability in the organisation.