Instantaneous Demand Response Programme



Load Providers contracted to respond to a fall in national system frequency cause by a sudden change in the balance between supply and demand.  The purpose of Instantaneous Reserve is to arrest the national system frequency at acceptable limits following a contingency, for example a generator trip. Load Providers must respond fully within 6 seconds and must be sustained for at least 10 minutes.

What is offered?

Eskom will compensate customers who qualify to participate and are able to:

  • Reduce load within 6 seconds of notifications; and
  • Sustain this reduction for a maximum of three events per day for a duration of 10 minutes per event

Key features

The minimum load entry of 10MW

  • Load Providers scheduled a day ahead are dispatched instantaneously (<6sec) on the day (when the network frequency reaches a pre-set level) for a maximum of 10 minutes thus assisting the system operator to arrest possible frequency decline.
  • 3 x 10 min/day events, average 200 on target events per annum
  • Special metering requirements are necessary.
  • Load Providers are paid a standby payment, but no energy payment.

Process Details:

Step 1

Email [email protected] for more information

Step 2

Meet with an Eskom representative at your premises to facilitate your participation.

Step 3

Sign a standard legal agreement with Eskom

Step 4

Register as an Eskom vendor (if you are a non-Eskom customer) that will enable you to receive payments